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Thursday, January 6, 2011


I personally think that blogging is lots of fun.We get to share our own thoughts with the world and hear their comments.We also can get to allow others to hear the music,watch videos or see the picture we like.It allows the world to understand your personal feelings and your mood depending on how and what you write.It is also very simple to create your own blog.
I remember the first time i posted a blog entry. I was at my parents' office. There was nothing for me to do as my father was using the laptop and all the other computer was also being used at the time, i did not wanted to do my homework as it was a pain. Then i remember about what my English teacher had said that day during lessons about how blogging was part of my studies and started to work on my blog. It was boring at first but i became more and more interested in blogging. I usually would have close to zero ideas when it came to writing essays but when i was writing my blog entry the ideas continued to pour out like a running tap, my fingers were practically flying across the keyboard as i typed word after word and sentences after sentences. Both my parents were surprised at this turn of events and encouraged me to give it my best and create the best blog that i could. I could not be stopped that day and as soon as i came home from my parents' office i immediately switched on my computer to continue blogging.


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